FILM PROJECT TAKES DIRECTOR ON 'EMOTIONAL RIDE'Sergio NavarrettaMar 25, 20181 min read03.25.18"After reading the script for THE CUBAN, I was moved by the story, and how beautifully it aligned with our mission, vision, and values at St. Joseph's Lifecare Centre." Film Project Takes Director on EmotionalDownload • 1.33MB
03.25.18"After reading the script for THE CUBAN, I was moved by the story, and how beautifully it aligned with our mission, vision, and values at St. Joseph's Lifecare Centre." Film Project Takes Director on EmotionalDownload • 1.33MB
iHEARTRADIO: HOW DID A CANADIAN DIRECTOR GET LOUIS GOSSETT JR. TO STAR IN HIS FILM?Canadian film director Sergio Navaretta joins Weekends with Ken to talk about his new film, The Cuban, that debuted at the Montreal ...
INSIGHT AND CONVERSATION: A CHAT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE NEW LOUIS GOSSET JR. FILM "THE CUBAN"It was a pleasure to interview Sergio Navarretta, director of The Cuban, starring Oscar winning actor, Louis Gossett Jr. It kicked off...
BROADWAY WORLD: THE ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND S.N.A.P. FILMS INC. PRESENT THE MUSIC FROM Mervon Mehta, Executive Director of Performing Arts, has programed a special concert and free livestream, Music from The Cuban...